- Over the centuries there have been many fine solutions for performing the classic Cut and Restored Rope trick. There are a lot of goods ones out there. Some are extremely visual, but not convincing. Some are convincing but just not practical. None have been perfect…until now.
Scott Alexander has done it again! Were proud to announce the release of Scotts latest masterpiece “Slashed. “Simply the best Cut and Restored Rope Routine for stand-up work ever created! Slashed is extremely visual! Slashed is hilarious! Slashed will save you money! Over the centuries there have been many fine solutions for performing the classic Cut and Restored Rope trick. There are a lot of goods ones out there. Some are extremely visual, but not convincing. Some are convincing but just not practical. None have been perfect…until now. Think about it. Most C & R routines suffer from problems from a professional point of view. They usually fall into one of two categories. Category 1: The performer really does cut the rope. In all of the routines Ive seen where the audience sees the rope actually getting cut there are strengths and weaknesses to this method. The only real strength is that the cutting is convincing! But as always, there is a price to pay. If youre CUTTING rope that certainly means that youre always BUYING rope. You have to get it and PAY for it over and over and over. The reason is simple. You are destroying rope during every performance! So as a professional you always have to stay on top of your supply. And what always happens? You go to the magic store the day of your show to pick up yet another bundle at $24.95 and OH, MY GOD…they dont have any! Anybody who does a real cut version of the trick knows what Im talking about. Another problem is you have to carry the bundle with you in your case because you always need MORE! And a BUNDLE OF ROPE IS HEAVY! It also takes up a lot of space in your case. Each performance basically ruins many feet of rope so youve got to bring it with you. I have three pet peeves when I watch C & R rope routines. Heres the first two. Most of the routines are multiphase routines where the rope is cut a bunch of times. Perhaps I should say too many times. You know what I mean: 37 phases over and over a
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