
Van Aken International Claytoon Non-Hardening Modeling Clay VA18157 Hot Yellow, neon Orange, red, Magenta 1 Pound Set (4-1/4 Pound Bars) claymation, Gluten-Free, Non-Toxic

Original price was: $44.30.Current price is: $35.44.

SKU: HAB004O7HLD4 Category:


  • Renowned for its smooth consistency and brilliant colors. This clay has been featured in many award winning claymation productions. Preferred by sculptors, model makers, animators, and artists’ of all ages.
  • Remains pliable, never hardens. If the Kid’s forget to put their clay away, No need to worry. With this awesome clay you will never have to buy more due to it being left out for a night, a week, or even MONTHS.
  • Fun for the whole family, when it comes to art it has no age limits. Everyone, young and old, can enjoy the therapeutic activity of creating. The only limit is your imagination.
  • Certified by ACMI (Art and Creative Materials Institute) Safe, Non-Toxic, and Gluten-Free. Contains NO dangerous chemicals that can be harmful to children or pets.

These 1 pound clay sets each contain four different 4 ounce colors of non-hardening, non-toxic, gluten-free, sulfur-free modeling clay. Claytoon clay has been used in the animation industry for over 20 years. Classic television shows and movies you grew up with were made with Van Aken’s Plastalina Clay. Each color is individually wrapped for freshness and jam packed with pigment to stay true to that always bright color under the spotlight, so have a moist towelette handy. This Pastel set contains Pastel Green, Pastel Pink, Pastel Yellow, and Pastel Blue clay. Made in USA.


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