- perform the effect again and again with a different card each time
- Your package includes 9 temporary tattoos; 6 hand or wrist sized and 3 shoulder sized
A card is selected and held by the spectator, hidden from your view. You tell the spectator that scanning the tattoo on your wrist with their phone will enable them to see your thoughts, and that you are going to attempt to visualize their card. They scan the tattoo and see that you were indeed thinking of EXACTLY their card!
* The tattoo is a great icebreaker, it will capture your audience’s attention immediately.
* This revelation hits the spectator HARD because the tattoo can be introduced at the start and remains in view the entire time.
* If you can force a card you can do this. But it also includes two DEVASTATING routines from Steve Fearson that really take it to the next level.
Read the following carefully and try to visualize the impact it would have on the mind of the average human…
You deal cards FACE UP onto the table one at a time. The spectator stops you at any time. The cards before and after the selection are seen to be different. It seems there is no way you could have known which card they would select. You introduce the code tattoo, they scan it and it reveals the name of the card they selected EXACTLY!
And you can perform the effect again and again with a different card each time. This is devastating stuff.
Or how about this?
You ask a beautiful woman to simply THINK of a playing card. No cards are used, they just THINK of a playing card. When your tattoo is scanned, it matches EXACTLY! She accepts this as a sign that you are destined to be together and you both live happily ever after.
It is time for all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive… The MARK.
Your package includes 9 temporary tattoos. 6 hand or wrist sized and 3 shoulder sized.
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